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July 11, 2011

Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 7/11/11

Questions about the SOTW? Please ask the center director for more information.

Have you seen the Standard of the Week when  you’re signing in at the center?

Inspired by Jane Handley, a national customer service pro, the Standard of the Week is one important ‘doodle detail’ that the entire company focuses attention on weekly.  Topics vary, including health and safety, family communication, education trends, classroom practices and more. Each topic is aligned with NYS OCFS (our regulatory agency) regulations and with MSA (our accreditation agency) high quality indicators, as noted at the bottom of each week’s flyer.

In addition to posting the Standard of the Week at each center, we’re happy to share it here, too. You’ll find the current Standard of the Week posted here on Mondays, as a new weekly blog feature. As always, our goal is building a community of happy children, happy parents and happy teachers. We thank you for your support!

View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: 071111_Safe Shoes