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January 11, 2013

Additional Acts of Kindness – Act #11

Mr. Doodle Bug joined his friends from the administrative office on a trip to the US Marine Corps Reserve Center, where they delivered more than 500 toys for their Toys For Tots program! This initiative was originated by the Marines to provide families the opportunity to pick out toys for their children for the Holidays. Many thanks to the doodle families and faculty members who supported this event.

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In celebration of our 20th anniversary, Mr. Doodle Bug and friends began 2012 with  20 Acts of Kindness, an effort that proved to be rewarding and heart-warming for everyone involved. In fact, we were inspired to complete an additional 20 Acts of Kindness; we wrapped up our 20th year and are beginning 2013 by ‘paying it forward’ in the communities we serve.